I thought this one deserved the team
vulture at the top of the page. Bryan and I took part the Big Black Mountain Challenge
on 20th May 2006. It was 27 km (approx 17 miles) in length and was in aid of the Longtown Mountain Rescue Team.
It all started quite well, the sun was shining, Bryan was moaning that
he hadn't brought any sun cream, God was in his heaven, and all was
right with the world. Just as we hit the top of the ridge the sun went
in, it started to drizzle and started to blow. We staggered around in
about 7 hours, the top of Hay Bluff was pure evil, horizontal rain and
blowing a gale. The photos don't even hint at the full horror. It solved one problem in our minds, we now know that
we couldn't couldn't do the 27 mile route! We had a pint at the pub at
Llantony, and then another back at the Chase. We're probably doing it
again next year if anyone's interested. |